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Yes, certainly.

PyMob is a platform where apps can be written purely in Python and the compiler tool-flow (PyMob) converts them in native source codes for various platforms. There are few aspects which make PyMob approach  truly unique. Firstly, writing apps in Python is certainly simpler than  Obj-C, Java or JavaScript (some would disagree).  Secondly, the spec has  to be written in Python just once. Thirdly, PyMob generates native  source code for all the supported platforms. The generated native source  code is virtually indistinguishable from a hand written code and can be  further optimized by native compilers. More information on PyMob is  available at http://pyzia.com/technology.html

Here  are "cons" which are typically mentioned for any cross-platform mobile  app development platform and my inputs on how PyMob fares:

1.The Framework Might Not Support Every Feature of an Operating System or Device: In the PyMob approach, this will not be an issue since the developers  get native source code out of PyMob which they can edit and add features  by hand (if they desire so).

2. You Can’t Always Use Your Own Tools:   The PyMob code can be written with any IDE (or vi/emacs). The generated  code, say, Objective C(iOS), Java(Android) or JavaScript(HTML5) can be  used with any tool as desired by the developer.

3. Code Might Not Run as Fast: Since PyMob generates native source code, they are further compiled by native compiler and hence this is not an issue at all.

4. High-End Graphics and 3D Support is Often Limited: PyMob  includes Cocos2d engine which lets developer use all the features of  high end graphics. In fact, this is one of the big strengths of PyMob  platform. There are high quality educational games developed using PyMob  (http://pyzia.com/apps.html).

5. Vendor Lock-In: With PyMob approach, there is no vendor lock in. PyMob does not use  special features of Python so it pretty much runs on any machine or  environment. Further, the IP is with the developer in both Python and  native source code so there is no lock-in.

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